Tile Capturing Commands
The commands on this page are all to handle Tracker Channels and view tickets used by your teams.
Command List
/tickets track
Starts tracking a channel for tile captures. If you want to know more about how Tracker Channels work, check out how to set up a Tracker Channel
The channel to start tracking.
/tickets untrack
Stops tracking a Tracker Channel.
The channel to stop tracking.
/tickets view
Shows a table showing, for every member, how many tickets they used in the 7 days of CT.
The channel to check ticket usage for.
The event number you want to check for. Defaults to the current event.
/tickets member
Shows, for a specific member, how many tickets they used, on which tiles, and when.
The Tracker Channel to check ticket usage for.
The member you want to check.
The event number. Defaults to the current event.
/tickets tile
Shows, for a specific tile, when it was captured, after how long, and by whom during the event.
The Tracker Channel to check ticket usage for.
The 3-letter tile code you want to check.
The event number. Defaults to the current event.